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Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' (Sensation Peace Lily)
Sensation Peace Lily Spathiphyllum 'Sensation'
Sun Requirements Full Shade
Height 1m
Width 1 m
Drought Tolerance Sensitive
Frost Tolerance Frost Sensitive
Origin Exotic
Design Use Lush Tropical Look
Indoor Plant
Flower Colour White
Flowering Period Early Spring
Mid Spring
Late Spring
Early Summer
Mid Summer
Late Summer
Climate Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6
Zone 7
Foliage Colour Dark Green Leaves
Foliage Cover Evergreen

The Dapple Designs Expert Says:

Spathiphyllum 'Sensation', also known as Sensation Peace Lily, is a soft wooded perennial/strappy leafed plant with large dark green leaves and striking white flowers. A perfect indoor plant that can be grown outside in warm sheltered areas that don't receive direct sunlight. Well-drained soil is essential. Keep soil moist but do not over water. Fertilize weekly with a liquid fertilizer. For garden plans that make the most out of your backyard, rely on our Landscape Design Sydney experts. Contact us on 1300 DAPPLE (1300 327 753) for more information.

Give our landscape designer a call today on 1300 DAPPLE (1300 327 753) for the best garden advice